Home Business information——Trade ——Creation of a warehousing and logistics centre
Creation of a warehousing and logistics centre
Enterprise name RUTP “Belimporttorg”
Enterprise details 19, Inzhenernaya Str., Brest, 224024
Form of ownership State
Head of the enterprise Ivan Tur
Total square of property, square meter 73 937,2
Year of construction 1987
Square of ground area, hectare 12,6597
Service lines Cold and hot water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, power supply
Transport infrastructure

Access truck road 

Access railroad with broad (east) gage and narrow (European) gage of direct traffic with EC states 
Value of real estate objects (thousand US Dollar) 4 160
Project name Creation of a warehousing and logistics centre
Project purpose Creation of a joint-stock venture for support of an efficient products promotion and operation of warehousing and logistics network
Project state It is working out

Production (services) proposed for output

Wholesale, rendering of services
Main product markets Home and foreign markets
Общая стоимость проекта
(тыс. долл. США):
Not determined
Потребность в инвестициях
(тыс. долл. США):
Not determined
Investor’s participation form direct investment
Offer for investor Creation of a joint venture
Period of project realization Not determined
Payback period Not determined
Place of project realization Brest
Areas of investments application Reconstruction of buildings and purchase of equipment, new building
Availability of business plan None
Offer is done by

Aleksandr Shevchuk,  Executive committee of the city of Pinsk, phone: + 375 162 / 23 80 54
