Home info service Ru
Roadside service
District name Drogichin
Location On the road crossing Drogichin – Berioza and highway Gomel – Kobrin (to state frontier of Russian Federation)
Total square of ground area, hectare 0,1949
Form of ownership      state      
Possible use of ground area roadside service
Availability of building project none
Kinds of ground area granting Lease for a period of  50 years
Cadastral price of ground area, 1 sq.meter /US Dollar 0,4
Water supply (available or none) none (2 km to network)
Sewerage (available or none) none (it will be needed a local sewerage)
Gas supply  
Power supply (available or none) none (100 m to network)

Railway distance

11 êì

Distance to Brest, km

              to Minsk,km


Contact person

Leonid Yankovich, Deputy Chairman of  Executive committee of the city of Drogichin, phone: + 375 1644 / 3 13 41, 3 08 99, drgrik@brest.by
