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Creation of objects of roadside service
äîðîãà Ì-1/Å-30 Áðåñò-Ìèíñê-ãðàíèöà Ðîññèéñêîé Ôåäåðàöèè
Enterprise name Private employer G.L. Man’ko
Enterprise details Baranovichi, Brest region
Form of ownership private         
Head of the enterprise G.L. Man’ko
Project name Creation of roadside service object
Project purpose rendering of services
Project state Investment offer

Production (services) proposed for output


Total project value

(mln. EUR)

Investments demand

(mln. EUR)
Investor’s participation form Direct investment

Offer for investor

Creation of a joint venture
Areas of investments application Building
Period of project realization 2011 - 2015
Place of project realization

the 350th  km of highway M-1/E30 Brest – Minsk ( to state frontier Russian Federation), Petkovichi village council, Baranovichi district, Brest region

Availability of business plan


Offer is done by

Vadim Uglianets,  Deputy Chairman of district executive committee

phone: + 375 163 / 42 39 90
