Home Business informationFood industry ——Nonalcoholic beverage bottlery
Nonalcoholic beverage bottlery
The object is located in the centre of Baranovichi, microdistrict Textilny
Seller: “Baranovichi food factory” JSC
Tel. + 375 163/ 45 30 16, 45 72 65
22, Fabrichnaya Str., Baranovichi, Brest   region
Structure year 1994
Is not exploited from 1994
Balance (residual) cost 1 172 578 514 ruble
Total square 3 236, 5 sq. km

Building description

Concrete single-story building. Is planed to use as a production room. It is a construction in process, temporarily abandoned, registered.
Engineering services None

Improvement details

Industrial protected area with asphalt access lines, stub end – 100 m, the project documentation for gas supply is developed.

Technical certificate of building

Conditions of ground area  granting Long-term lease for building maintenance
